Spring is beautiful.

The growth of a youthful life is even more beautiful.

In growth lies a limitless future.

When one strives mightily for one's goals, nothing is


Daily Encouragement (02 July 2008)

Posted by SGM Penang Student Division | Posted on 3:01 PM | Posted in

"British prime minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965) was a great leader who fought successfully against the Nazi onslaught. When the Nazi forces were bombing England, he looked up into the sky and encouraged his fellow citizens. And in one of his speeches, he declared: 'You must not weaken in any way in your alert and vigilant frame of mind.' It was his belief that defeat would only come from a weakening of vigilance; that one's own attitude--and not what the other side did--was the key to one's victory or defeat. We in the Gakkai also need to have this spirit."

SGI Newsletter No. 7570, 18th SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING--PART 3 [OF 3]. Advance with a Youthful Spirit, May 21st, 2008. Translated June 17th, 2008.

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