Spring is beautiful.

The growth of a youthful life is even more beautiful.

In growth lies a limitless future.

When one strives mightily for one's goals, nothing is


Sato International Scholarship Foundation


Posted by SGM Penang Student Division | Posted on 9:13 PM | Posted in , , ,

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Notification from Sato International Scholarship Foundation (SISF) for their scholarship program for April, 2010.

Students from the Following Countries are Eligible to Apply:
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam.

Amount of Scholarship
Undergraduate students: 120,000 yen/month
Graduate students: 180,000 yen/month (plus additional support to cover cost for attending conferences)

Duration of Scholarship
2 years

Number of Scholarships Granted
Around 10 students will be accepted.

Please check SISF's website


How to apply
You are required to apply through the Gakumu-gakari (educational affairs section) of your Faculty/Division. First, please check the application deadline date of your Faculty/Division, then hand in all the application documents by the date.
