Spring is beautiful.

The growth of a youthful life is even more beautiful.

In growth lies a limitless future.

When one strives mightily for one's goals, nothing is


Penang Student Division & KL Acad-R Exchange Meet 2008


Posted by SGM Penang Student Division | Posted on 1:54 PM | Posted in

Around 110 participants that consist of UTAR students from KL (ACAD R) and Penang students (ACAD S and ACAD V) had a Student Division Exchange Meet on 27 and 28 September 2008 at Bukit Tambun Culture Centre, Penang.

The objectives of the exchange meet are to deepen the understanding on Nichiren Daishonin’s philosophy, to instill the importance of study for student division, to instill a sense of purpose in every student and mission as a future leader for Gakkai and society, and to build up a strong bond of friendship and comradeship among student division members.

During the exchange meet, the participants were divided into small groups to discuss and relate the current world situations. Using study materials from New Human Revolution (Volume 56 & 58) and Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, students are able to grasp the true meaning of human revolution and kosen-rufu. Every participant is given chance to share their opinions on kosen-rufu in changing and improving the current world situations.

Besides that, a video which was about sensei’s kosen-rufu for the past 50 years was played in order to give the participants an opportunity to understand and realize our own mission of kosen-rufu. All the participants resolute to stand up and carry out mission of kosen-rufu in the 2nd Act of kosen-rufu as “courageous successors”.